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  • Would you give your kidney to a customer?!?

Would you give your kidney to a customer?!?

With over 30k regular readers and overwhelming positive feedback on our content, we're excited to take our reach to the next level.

The Gig Life has been a passion project we've been building for the past few months, and we're thrilled with the progress. With over 30k regular readers and overwhelmingly positive feedback on our content, we're excited to take our reach to the next level.

You, our growing community of Gig Workers, give so much to your jobs and customers (though not normally a kidney!?...more on that below). To give back, we're launching our Subscriber Referral Program so you can earn awesome swag while also helping spread wisdom to your fellow Gig Workers. Learn how to easily get swag through referrals below:

To help really get you excited about our new swag, we’re continuing the contest we started in the last issue. You’ll get a free t-shirt by simply submitting a photo of something you think represents your daily gig life. This can be photos of anything from Uber lineups at the airport, big DoorDash deliveries, sitting behind the wheel of a car, or saddled up on your bike... whatever you think highlights your daily gig experience, we’d love to see it. Submit here.

As usual, there’s lots going on this week in Gig news, so let’s jump right in.

Top Headlines

This week's top headlines from the Gig Economy

Uber driver donates kidney to passenger: ‘God must have put you in my car’

Some stories can put a smile on your face. This is one of them. After picking up a passenger at a dialysis center, Uber driver Tim Letts struck up a conversation with his passenger who had been desperately in need of a kidney transplant for three years.

Lyft picks new CEO as founders tap out amid fierce competition

Lyft co-founders Logan Green and John Zimmer, who started the company in 2012, have stepped down from their respective roles as CEO and President. The company has tapped David Risher as the new CEO, who has served on Lyft’s Board of Directors since 2021, and who previously held executive positions at Amazon and Microsoft. The change in the CEO seat signals Lyft’s desire to get back into the ring with rival Uber, who has been dominating the rideshare market over the past several years.

Seattle law grants most gig workers paid sick leave

Across the country, the fight for Gig Workers’ rights and protections continues. Seattle has now become the first American city to pass laws to guarantee paid sick leave for workers on gig apps who meet specific criteria. We expect more cities will follow suit in the year to come.

Ex-Grubhub driver wins 8-year legal battle in California court, gets $65

$65 isn’t that much to get excited about, but this story will be an important one because of the legal precedent it sets in California. The court found that the worker’s wages should’ve been calculated as if he was employed and entitled to minimum wage, which is the first time an American court has made an argument in favor of employment treatment for Gig Workers. This is still a hotly debated topic that many Gig Workers can’t even seem to agree on. We’ll see how this continues to play out in the years to come.

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